Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Department of Metrology and Information Measuring Technologies


І)I) a device designed by associate professor V.T. Belan:


I) A device designed by associate professor V.T. Belan: Five-channel device "Ocean-1" (Fig. 1) is designed to assess the functional state of a human – an operator in the field. At the output of the unit analog signals that are generated to record on tape are received. 5 physiological settings are measured: 1.The frequency of heart rate (HR). 2. The frequency of breathing (BH). 3.The temperature of body (T) (output device). 4. Galvanic skin response (GSR). 5. Quasistationary potential (CSR), the index of working capacity.


The device "PFP-1" (Fig. 2) is designed to assess the functional state of a human – an operator in the field. At the output of the unit analog signals that are generated to record on tape are received.5 physiological settings are measured: 1.The frequency of heart rate (HR). 2. The frequency of breathing (BH). 3.The temperature of body (T) (output device). 4. Galvanic skin response (GSR). 5. Quasistationary potential (CSR), the index of working capacity.


Portable complex (Figure 3) is designed to study the human− operator. Human physiological studies in the field and steady-state conditions are performed on the complex. The system includes: 1. Equipment that is used to measure physiological indicators (4 indexes). 2. Equipment that implements the psychological tests and procedures (5 methods). The complex has the ability to connect a computer that can process the results of the research. Moreover, a computer broadens considerably the sphere of application of the complex.


Digital analyzer of oxygen consumed (Fig. 4) is used to determine the amount of oxygen in the air that is exhaled.

Low frequency oscillator (Fig. 5) is intended for use in electronics to initiate and set up the equipment in the field of medicine, biology, where square infra pulses are necessary. The generator produces square pulses amplitude from 0 to 10, the frequency of the signal from - 0, 001 to 100Hz.

ІI) The devices designed by associate professor V.G. Tarasenko headed by associate professor N.G. Polyakov:


The device (Fig. 6) for power factor measurement and continuous control in power systems at industrial enterprises. It allows to record the power factor visually, the measurement outputs analog voltage that is directly proportional to the current value of the power factor. Control is carried out in circuits with capacitive and inductive reactive load.


The device (Fig. 7) for the measurement and continuous automatic control of the power factor in power systems industry. Allows you to visually record the power factor, as a result of measurement an analog voltage that is directly proportional to the current value of the power factor is given. Control is carried out in circuits with capacitive and inductive reactive load, and inductive character responds to positive source voltage and capacitive - negative. On the front panel there is indicator light of reactive load character.

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