Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Department of Metrology and Information Measuring Technologies

International Competition National Instruments Corporation
National Instruments
(virtual measuring devices) 2015

It has been an annual competition for the design and development of measuring instruments using technology corporation National Instruments. Student gr. MV-12 ,Antipenko Alexander participated in this competition under the direction of Ph.D., Glukhova Natalia . According to the scientific results our student Alexander Antipenko awarded I place in the category «The best laboratory research».

омеліч єлізавета                 

State higher education institution "National Mining Unoversity" has awarded A.I. Antipenko one of the most honary Award of National Mining University - the medal "Sign of gratitude of NMU".

антипенко медаль.jpg

We congratulate Alexander and wish him success and inspiration in the work on further scientific developments!

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