Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Department of Metrology and Information Measuring Technologies

Second all-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference
of students and young scientists


Within the framework of the conference "МОЛОДЬ: НАУКА ТА ІННОВАЦІЇ" November 28, 2014 at the Department of MIMT was meeting of section metrology, information-measuring technology and measuring equipment.

Head of section - Gluhova N.V. - Candidate of Science (Engineering), associate professor, assistant head of the department of MIMT

Secretary of section - Doronina M.A. - postgraduate student of department of the MIMT .

The conference was attended by about 20 students, postgraduates and young scientists.

Congratulations to the Winners of the Second all-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference of students and young scientists "МОЛОДЬ: НАУКА ТА ІННОВАЦІЇ" in section of metrology, information-measuring technology and measuring equipment:

  • l place - Alexandra Sivovol, gr. МВ-13
    "Проблема калібрування обладнання на прикладі випробувальної лабораторії в умовах сучасної України"
  • ll place - Evhenyya Serchenya , gr. МВ-11
    "Метрологічна оцінка показників якості залізної руди"
  • lll place - Tatiana Belik , gr. МВ-11
    "Вимірювання параметрів води"

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