Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Department of Metrology and Information Measuring Technologies


The Metrology and Information-Measuring Technologies department was formed at the National Mining University after reorganization in 2003 the Electrical Engineering department when it began train the same name direction specialists.


By resolution of the Council Katerinoslavsky Higher Mining School the Electrical Engineering department was created in February 18, 1906. At different times the department was headed by famous scientists and teaching staff as Krukovsky A.V., Ivanov M.O., Pirotsky P.P., Ivanov B.G., Davidenko I.O., Kuvaev M.E., Podolsky V.A., Polyakov N.G., Mashkovsky V.A., Korsun V.I.

The implementation and creation of communications equipment and measurements for mines was the main scientific work direction of department before the World War II. At that time department members Davidenko I.A., Selishchev A.I., Mishchenko Y.P. created a portable device for electric mining machines diagnosing in a dynamic mode of operation under professor Pirotsky P.P. direction.

The Electrical Engineering department began become an active party to instrumentation and control systems specialists training. It lasted until September 11, 1952, when the order № 4159-1626 of USSR Higher Education Ministry came out, according to that this specialty transferred to Dnepropetrovsk State University special faculty for train specialists in the direction of rocket engineering.

On Electrical Engineering department began performed research as to electrical safety, delfs electrification and the automation, in which active participation accepted department members Itin A.V. and Podolsky V.A.


Research and design, that fulfiled department members, were implemented on greater industrial enterprises as Nizhnedneprovsky Pipe Plant named after K. Libknekht, Dneprovsky machine-building plant, Zaporozhsky chemical-recovery factory etc. Research relationships were established with USSR leading electrotechnical research institutes. Follows to note that under leadership associate professor Polyakov N.G., and responsible executive associate professor Tarasenko V.G. .as to the assignment of All-union electro technical institute named after Lenin were fulfilled research and design as to the improve of control AC and DC thyristor's converters.

Over the period 1980-2000 on department under leadership associate professor Mashkovsky V.A. scientific and technical research on the assessment of power quality in Ternovskaya underground mines systems in "Pavlogradugol" was carried out.


In accordance with the contract between the department of Electrical Engineering and JSC "Dneprobummash" the magnetic field distribution in magnetic separators was studied to use the existing separators in enriching Krivbas weakly magnetic ores.

Beginning from 1986 under leadership associate professor Khilova V.S.was conducted scientifically-research works as to the mine winder automation. These works were financed by Novo-Kramatorsk machine-building and Alexandriisky electromechanical plants. In creative commonwealth with the specialists of indicated teams was carried out research-design work as to the microprocessor devices implementation into mine winder control systems.

Since 1999 research scientific project as to the creation of the blasting bore-hole mill boring automated machines which are fulfiled under leadership associate professor Khilova V.S. are performed with the specialists of manufacturing banding of Central gorno-обогатитетельного integrated plant (Krivoi Rog), of open joint-stock company «Novo-Kramatorsky machin-bild plant» of Scientifical-manufacturing enterprises “Orkis” (Czolty Vody). These works allowed to develop the scientific concept of building of the systems of the automatic control of the drives of boring rigs. Concept is put in the basis of inaugural dissertation doctor of engineering Khilov V.S.

After appointing professor V.I. Korsun as the head of the department in February 2002, the professor and graduate student Glukhova N.V. developed the basic elements of decision support systems for the control problems of hydraulic transport using fuzzy-logic, fuzzy sets and neural network techniques. These works are continuing at present. They concern the creation of energy-saving control systems for auxiliary mine transport. They are performed by a candidate of PhD I.V. Kozina.

Graduate students Ikonnikova N.A. and assistant Kovalenko I.V. under the guidance of professor V.I. Korsun carry out research work on the creation of modern control systems and technical inspection of industrial facilities in terms of finding their dynamics in a chaotic mode. Theoretical and experimental investigations carried out by associate professor Khilov V.S. and post-graduate student Sukharev A.J. allowed to establish the patterns of electromechanical and hydro mechanical parameters influence of mining equipment on drive systems modes. Moreover, the department assistant professor Cherny S.I. works for the methodological support of the process of improving the reactive loads compensation of ore processing mining companies with limited compensating devices.

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